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Leave US your House Cleaning Tip and receive a
FREE "initial" Pewter Charm
All we ask is that you leave us a comment with your HOUSE CLEANING TIP and once you have received your prize please post an I WON button as a post on your blog!
Don't forget to tells us what initial and an leave us an email to contact you
for shipping information!
I have a great one for you guys! Glass top cleaner for your stove washes windows outside and takes all hard water off. Key: use rag wipe on and rub off no water needed... Side note to help after use rain X afterwards it seals the window so it's easier next time to clean!
Cheers Ladies
I have a 3 year old and she loves to "help" mama. I give her a rag with diluted vinegar on it and let her "clean" with me. Whatever she wipes gets cleaned, she stays out of trouble and she feels like she's being a "helper girl"!
My favorite cleaning tip is to take 15 minutes to work on something and then walk away for a little while and then come back for fifteen minutes until those big projects that you have are done. I am never very motivated to clean but doing it this way I get things done that otherwise i would have put off because it was just too much.
I would love to get one with F
My tip is for the microwave...to clean mine, I microwave a glass bowl filled with water for about 5 to 7 minutes. When it's done, take the bowl out and wipe down the microwave. The steam from the water loosens everything up and makes it SO easy to clean!
I'd love a "C" one!
I have a tip for glass shower doors and glass shower surrounds. After cleaning them apply a coat of rain-x and it will keep the hard water stains and water spots from showing up so fast.
Also for fiberglass shower surrounds use a light coat of car wax on them after cleaning and it helps them stay sparkly.
On weekends focus on your main areas clean them before any other areas around your house. That way if you receive unexpected visits your house looks spotless.
My tip is about getting rid of the clutter. Each day I put at least 12 things into our charity box and at the end of the week my husband takes it down for collection. It's amazing how much clutter you get rid of and at the same time give to others.
I would love to get one with an "W".
Your blog is ADORABLE! What a cute design. I love it.
My house cleaning tip is to let the dog lick up all kitchen spills...hehe
Ok, I'm not the best housekeeper, unfortunately, but I do know you should change your air filters every three months and spray your AC unit outside with a hose every once in a while to clean it off. Use gloves to clean out your gutters because we have spiders here that bite...
and don't have kids, because they are NOT conducive to a clean house. hehe
Oh, yes, I'd love an R. rhea@tx.rr.com
My house cleaning tip is that I clean on Thursday nights so I don't take up my weekends doing housework. I pick up everyday for 5-7 minutes so that the clutter doesn't get to crazy!!!!!I guess that is two tips...hope it helps someone !!!/???? I would love to win an intial "A"
Ok gang, this is the greatest tip that I ever got!! If you spill candle wax on your carpet (our was off white carpet and red wax!!!!) take a towel (that you dont mind throwing away after) and iron it on high heat ( be very careful not to let the iron touch the carpet itself) over the spilled wax a little bit at a time, when that part of the wax is up then move to a clean spot of the towl and repeat on more of the spilled wax on the carpet- it totally takes up every bit of the wax!! MAGIC I tell ya!! Leah ellye2@msn.com
Your blog is TOO CUTE - and I love the initial charms! I'd love one with a C.
My house cleaning tip is to use Shout (the laundry kind) on glass shower doors. Works like a charm to get off all the soap scum with little scrubbing.
Forgot to say - visit my site for a custom jewelry giveaway!!
I recently bought a caddy to carry all my cleaning supplies with me at one time, I thought it was possibly a HUGE waste of money, cause, really, I have arms, I can carry things. I LOVE THAT THING!!! It saves me time, my clothes from cleaning products,and my husband even said the other day, "hey, that thing is pretty cool!"
I would LOVE a letter "A", thanks SO much for this really great offer!
ooohhh...can't wait - put a drop of palmolive in room temp water to have the perfect mixture for cleaning windows. use a rag to clean, and be impressed! leaves no streaks and is the cheapest windex around!
i got so excited that i forgot to leave my initial! i'd love an "M" (mrlewkowicz@hotmail.com)
I have two tips for you. Use a newspaper to dry windows after you clean them. Just remember to wash your hands.
In order to keep your house organized pick things up in a basket once a day and put them where they go. Kids can help with this. You could give them each their own basket to help with pick up time.
I would love an E. emilyj@me.com
Hmmm ... "c-l-e-a-n-i-n-g" ... vhat eez des vord "cleaning?"
My hubby bought me a Roomba after the babies arrived and it has been a big helper! Great on hard wood floors and tile. Kind of set it and forget it. So I can do a room here and there hands free ... although in my case it's most often found circling under and around our dining table -- kids crumbs and dog hair! :-)
Loved everyone else's tips! And love the prize!! I'd love to have a "J." jeanne at jeannwinters dt com. Merci!
Wow all of these tips are awesome and I want to try them out!!! I have two tips. 1st one is not really a tip,it is just what I do. I find that if I tidy up before bed I can keep the house cleaner the next day. Here is my actual tip. Instead of using fabric softener put a cup of distilled WHITE vinegar into the wash. You would think that it would make your clothes stink, but in all actuality it neutralized odor and gets rid of static. Also your clothes really do feel good when they come out of the dryer. Plus it saves money and it was a GREEN tip that I got.
I would love a J one please!
I love this blog btw very cute!
When I clean my mirrors or windows I use an old pillow case. No fuzzies! I use to use a squeegie (whatever) but the pillowcase works better. ;o}I would like one with a T...my e-mail is
awesome giveaway! My tip is for a quickie cleanup. Sometimes (heck, ALL the time) by the end of the day the house looks completely cluttered and mess (even though I feel like I've been cleaning all day). To save my sanity and not have to wake up with a messy house we have a 5 minute pickup. We set a timer and then get everyone involved running around the house like crazy putting their stuff away. We have small children so we try to make it silly and fun, but with teenagers you could simply get them involved because it is ONLY for 5 minutes and you can promise not to nag them after that ;) I love 5 minute pickup!
Oops, I would love an initial "M" by the way :D :D
My favorite tip is to clean your glass with coffee filters! I like newspaper too, but the coffee filters don't leave ink on your hands. The filters are made from "virgin" cotton, so there are no little lint thingys left behind!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I am so glad that I found your site!
Initial "M" please.
or visit www.gimmiemoore.blogspot.com to reach me.
Blessed Mama
The best way to keep you sink clean and shiny is to plug it and fill it up with warm bleach water and just let it sit for an hour or overnight-whatever. Let the water out and it's beautiful and no scrubbing!
Also I use one of those shoe pocket holders that hand on the back of doors to keep all my kid's stuff organized. Tights, gloves, hats, purses, headbands, you name it. You can fit so much stuff in there and it's all organized in it's littl pocket.
And I'll take the letter E of course. My email is emily_jo@hotmai.com
I received my cute little prize today! THANK YOU!!! Fun!
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